Quick Post :

There are so many reasons to love a round table.  Round tables really improve both the physical and visual flow of a room.  They also serve to ground a space by literally establishing a center point; a round table forces one to gravitate to that spot, thus fostering conversation.

However, many people struggle with how to style them.  Maybe it is the lack of a straight edge that people find difficult.  Below, I show you a quick and easy way to place objects that make this shaped table beautiful.  This of course, is not the only way, but an easy no fail approach.

table from Pottery Barn

add a stack of books

add greenery

add a group of objects – here, I chose small white vases

add a tray in an interesting shape

add a “crown” to your stack of books

viola! A beautifully styled round table!

I hope you enjoyed my quick and easy tutorial!  Let me know what you think!



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