Image via Pinterest

Since I am trying to justify being in my pajamas at 11:00 on a Monday, I am going to let you in on a trend that I am loving…..matte finish home decor!  I am a lover of ALL things sparkly.  I LOVE, I mean really love sparkles.  I have a hard time passing things up that sparkle.  I used to think it was cute when six year olds would (always) come up to me and say ” I love your (fill in the blank)”.  It’s just sad now.

So, I was really surprised when all of these matte finishes started trending and I LOVED them.  I also really love black. In previous posts I have declared my love of black.  Therefore, black + matte finish = my new obsession!!!  There is something really badass about matte black.   It is both masculine and tough, yet refined.  It has a velvety finish that really elevates any piece into a statement piece.  This trend WILL stick around!

Here is a collection of things I am loving.  Topping the list are appliances.  I predict matte black is going to take over the market.  How gorgeous is the refrigerator below!


Faucet, Refrigerator, Dutch Oven, Pendant, Flatware, Cocktail table

Also loving matte tiles, cabinets, vases and hardware!  Matte black pairs well with crisp white and gold.  It lends itself to more modern interiors; however, it would look beautiful in small doses in a traditional/transitional space as well.  I hope you like this Monday edit……Happy Monday to all!



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