The Emily Post Institute states ‘Dinner party guests usually bring a hostess gift unless they are close friends who dine together frequently’.  My close friends know that I am a stickler for etiquette. Therefore, if Emily Post says that one must bring a hostess gift to dinner, then who am I to say otherwise?

If you are a guest this Thanksgiving, I put together some fab and affordable items that will standout from the usual hostess gifts of candles and wine.  Inevitably, another guest will be bringing a bottle of wine.  Why not showcase your originality and bring a wine chiller?  These pretty matches from Illume will be perfect for lighting the 10 candles the other guests brought!

What glam girl would not want to drink wine from a sparkly wine glass, or let you know how fab you are on Chanel inspired note cards?  And, let’s not forget our hunky hosts; the black and gold lowball is very ‘Hollywood Regency’ at a nominal price.  Going to a neighbor’s house?  No problem; your hostess will love slathering this amazing smelling, luxe hand cream after she has finished washing the mountain of dishes left over from Thanksgiving.

I would love to know what your favorite hostess gifts are!!! Also, I have already received lots of requests for blog topics.  Please keep them coming!! Let me know what you want to see more of.  Thanks for reading!! Xoxo


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